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20.12.2020 by inoqo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis odio neque elit eu quamullam corper commodo ac a. Tortor, volutpat mi egestas urgelementum.
Going beyond product category-level data
Aligned with the 1.5 °C goal
In the face of the current climate and ecological crises, the F&B retail industry is receiving increasing pressure to demonstrate sustainability in their operations and product offerings. Although more organizations are committing to sustainability targets, e.g. set by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) (Science Based Targets Initiative), the ability to assess the progress is limited by the challenges those organizations face when it comes to tracking the impact of their assortment. For example, assessing the environmental impact down to the ingredient level of each product (i.e. data collection and impact mapping across the whole supply chain) is a complex and resource-intensive task. Currently, most organizations use coarse category-level data which does not allow for monitoring and tracking of carbon emission reductions caused by changes along the supply chain, e.g. exchange of ingredients, their suppliers or production processes involved. inoqo solves that problem by providing a solution that goes beyond product category-level data in a highly scalable manner and with ever-increasing data quality over time.
The inoqo Product Climate Footprint (PCF) Assessment Solution is the core engine for highly scalable impact calculations. The solution is aimed at (1) large F&B retail customers who aspire to assess, optimize and report the impact of individual products and whole assortments, with the goal of reducing their negative impact over time, as well as (2) on individual consumers who want to compare the carbon footprint of F&B products as they purchase them. The inoqo solution is tailored to meet F&B industry customers where they currently are in terms of data availability. This means that publicly available product information is enough to start estimating the impact of products. The inoqo platform (the data management frontend) is built on top of the backend calculation engine and will support customers to ingest further non-public product information, for the purpose of refining the calculation results, find insights on where the largest optimisation potential can be found and track changes (i.e. impact improvements) overtime. The platform leverages cutting-edge technology including a comprehensive LCI (life cycle inventory) data library to accurately evaluate the sustainability of products in line with the latest scientific advancements. Additionally, the platform can be easily integrated into existing systems and processes, allowing retailers to quickly and efficiently assess the sustainability of their product assortment and make informed decisions to improve their environmental impact and communicate it to the consumer.
The use cases of inoqo's climate assessment solution include both B2C communication, as well as internal communication (e.g. to identify hotspots and optimize the assortment). As both scenarios have different needs and requirements, we aim to prepare the data in two different ways. For B2B reporting, we select secondary data based on publicly available product information that aims to represent the ‘average’ impact estimate of each life cycle stage. Additionally, for B2C communication, we increase this average value by certain percentages for all life cycle stages, based on uncertainty ranges derived from scientific literature (Poore and Nemecek 2018) for individual product groups to account for uncertainty.
The methodological framework for “Climate” is the automated conduction of life cycle assessments (LCA) based on the ISO standards 14040/14044 (International Standards Organization 2006). Additionally, further guidance is taken from the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) (European Commission 2021), including default data on transport modes and distances, as well as impacts arising from storing the products in distribution. Since the F&B retail industry belongs to the Forest, Land, and Agriculture (FLAG) sector, elements of the GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance draft (World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development) have been incorporated, enabling the inoqo platform to report an SBTi proxy value.
The assessment focuses on the impact category of climate change, with the metric used being Global Warming Potential over a 100-year time horizon (GWP100). This metric takes into account the radiative forcing effects of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions, over a 100-year time span and provides values that are compared to those of the reference gas CO2. Consequently, the carbon footprint indicator is expressed in terms of kg carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2 eq.).The latest impact assessment methodology provided by the PEF (EF 3.1 Climate change - total)is used to estimate the impact of F&B products on climate change, which in turn is based on the Sixth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2021). Among others, this method includes the six Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gases covered in the Corporate Value Chain Standard of the GHG Protocol (Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard: Supplement to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard ), i.e. carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and hydrofluorocarbons(HFCs).
System Boundaries
The chosen system currently considers impacts from cradle-to-shelf, plus end-of-life (EoL) from transport, packaging and food waste at both the retailer and consumer's home, in line with the GHG Protocol Corporate and Accounting Standard (Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Corporate Value Chain (Scope3) Accounting and Reporting Standard: Supplement to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard 2011). All life cycle stages (agriculture, processing, packaging, transport, storage, and end-of-life) can be delivered individually, and are even further broken down into substages, allowing for the most granular insights. This allows each customer to assign the individual impact contributors to the specific Scopes, according to the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
Reporting Unit
In LCA studies, a prerequisite is to define a functional unit, to which all inputs and outputs of the investigated product system are referenced to and which enables a fair comparison between products. However, the ‘function’ of food is highly debated in the community, since food is multi-functional, since it can provide energy, certain macro or micro nutrients. Consequently, the choice of functional unit can strongly influence the outcome when comparing food products. In absence of a universally agreed functional unit applicable for all food products, inoqo decided to report the calculated results per 1 kg of food product. Consequently, the reporting unit is defined as follows: ‘kg CO2e per kg of product sold at supermarket’. In the future, we might update this to a proper functional unit to reflect the consumer stage (i.e. including cooled storage at the consumer’s home, preparing food by cooking) and nutritional facts of products to provide a fairer metric for product-to-product comparison.
inoqo Impact DB
Unlike other solutions on the market, the choice has been made to create and utilize in-house proprietary LCI database for food products instead of relying on commercial LCI databases. This strategic decision enables us to cover, in a highly consistent and scientific manner, extensive array of crops, livestock, fish, and other non-agricultural raw products covering almost every geographic region worldwide. The inoqo Impact Database comprises data for 10,000+ combinations of agricultural raw products (crops, livestock, seafood) and geographical territories. Together with 100+ localizable food processing processes, the inoqo Impact Database can estimate the impact of a virtually every food ingredient on the planet based on tens of thousands data sets.
Values for all 160 primary crops found in FAOSTAT (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2023) have been generated for nearly 200 territories, resulting in over 9,000country-specific values. This is achieved through a meticulous process involving data from FAOSTAT on yields, production areas, as well as IFASTAT data on fertilizer consumption per crop and country (International Fertilizer Association, n.d.). Moreover, data on the use of irrigation water, agricultural machinery and various other parameters sourced from various scientific literature. GHG-related field emissions, including those from fertilizer application and methane emissions from rice cultivation, are calculated based on the latest IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2019). Additionally, emissions from cropland expansion are calculated following IPCC guidelines for Land Use Change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2003) using a statistical approach based on a 20 year time horizon.
Our livestock datasets cover both meat and milk/eggs from cattle, buffaloes, pigs, goats, sheep, and chickens from all producing countries in the world. Building upon the FAO Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (‘GLEAM’) (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2018) and additional statistics and methodologies, inoqo created 1,600 datasets for animal products, considering emissions from enteric fermentation, manure management, on-farm energy use, feed rations and land use change emissions through pasture expansion.
Fish and seafood
For fish, the inoqo platform calculates values for the most relevant fish groups and species, with the distinction between farmed and fished fish, using country-specific values for the largest supplying countries for Europe. Datasets for farmed fish cover emissions arising from aquatic N2O, on-farm energy use and feed rations (MacLeod et al. 2020), while fished fish datasets cover the production, maintenance and diesel use in fishing vessels, as well as fishing nets(Newton et al. 2022). If it cannot be read from the list of ingredients if a fish is farmed or fished, an average of sourcing conditions is taken.
‘Other’ Products
Datasets for crops not explicitly listed in FAOSTAT (e.g. maple sap for the production of maple syrup), crops not produced in agricultural soil (e.g. mushrooms) or animal products not produced from livestock (e.g. honey), as well as non-agricultural food ingredients such as salt, sweeteners, and chemicals, are also added to the inoqo DB.
Food Processing Processes
The inoqo Impact Database incorporates approx. 100 different food processing processes. These include the production of vegetable oil, juice, starch, dairy products and many more. Inventory data for food processing processes were collected mainly from scientific literature. Processing datasets are adapted to the respective country of processing by applying its country-specific electricity grid mix.
Allocation Methods
An additional benefit of using our own LCI database is to have full control of the applied allocation principles. Following ISO 14044, allocation is avoided wherever possible. When allocation can not be avoided, inputs and outputs are partitioned between different products by an underlying physical relationship. Where a physical relationship alone cannot be established or used as the basis for allocation, economic allocation is applied. Consequently, a bio-physical relationship is applied for agricultural raw products (i.e. for livestock between the liveweight of an animal and the raw milk or eggs). For the majority of processed ingredients, economic allocation is applied (with few exceptions. e.g. dairy products which follow a milk solids allocation following the PEFCR for dairy products), using, if available, long-term market prices to share environmental burdens between co-products. To be in line with both our background database and the GHG Protocol, the EoL allocation is using the ‘cut-off approach’ (i.e. 0% burden/credits for recycling at the EoL or the use of recycled content).
System Boundaries
The following GHG emission sources are considered within the system boundaries of each product system:
Agriculture (inoqo DB)
For crops:
For livestock production:
Emissions are available for warehouse (with the addition of storage at supermarket soon):
Emissions are available for both retail and consumer stage:
Excluded Emission Sources
Climate Score
inoqo’s climate score for consumer communication is based on upper boundaries regarding climate impacts published in the “Planetary health diet” report (Willet and Rockström 2019).
Scientific Advisory Board
To ensure a high standard of our methodology, our expert team is in contact with a Scientific Advisory Board, as well as LCA consultants and sustainability researchers. These include experts that have worked or are currently working for The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Fibl), Colorado State University or unfold consulting OG.
inoqo Blog
20.12.2020 by inoqo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis odio neque elit eu quamullam corper commodo ac a. Tortor, volutpat mi egestas urgelementum.
20.12.2020 by inoqo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis odio neque elit eu quamullam corper commodo ac a. Tortor, volutpat mi egestas urgelementum.
20.12.2020 by inoqo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis odio neque elit eu quamullam corper commodo ac a. Tortor, volutpat mi egestas urgelementum.
by inoqo
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inoqo has been appointed to be a member of the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) of the Environmental Footprint (EF) by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV).
by inoqo
. von inoqo
European grocery retailers are under increasing pressure to reduce their environmental impact, with a particular focus on achieving net-zero emissions. A significant portion of these emissions – often exceeding 95% – falls under Scope 3, encompassing the emissions generated throughout their supply chain, primarily from food and beverage production. Accurately measuring and reducing Scope 3 emissions is crucial for meeting sustainability targets and demonstrating genuine progress to stakeholders. However, two key factors are creating a complex landscape for retailers: the EU's Omnibus initiative and the reliance on supplier-provided Science Based Targets (SBTi).
by inoqo
. von inoqo
At inoqo, we are excited to announce our new partnership with e-Fresh, Greece’s leading online retailer and the country’s largest and most comprehensive online supermarket. Established to meet the needs of today’s consumers, e-Fresh offers fast, convenient, and secure grocery shopping, featuring an extensive range of products. From fresh produce and household essentials to specialty items sourced from local producers and organic suppliers, e-Fresh is redefining the online grocery experience in Greece.