Dolor Lorem ipsum dolor sit consectetur.
20.12.2020 by inoqo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis odio neque elit eu quamullam corper commodo ac a. Tortor, volutpat mi egestas urgelementum.
20.12.2020 by inoqo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis odio neque elit eu quamullam corper commodo ac a. Tortor, volutpat mi egestas urgelementum.
20.12.2020 by inoqo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis odio neque elit eu quamullam corper commodo ac a. Tortor, volutpat mi egestas urgelementum.
20.12.2020 by inoqo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis odio neque elit eu quamullam corper commodo ac a. Tortor, volutpat mi egestas urgelementum.
December 14, 2021
by Laura
from inoqo
Irgendwie eine komische Tradition. Ein Baum wird großgezogen, gefällt, ins Haus gestellt, geschmückt und ein paar Tage später wieder entsorgt. Weihnachten ohne Weihnachtsbaum? Das muss nicht sein.
April 27, 2022
by Laura
from inoqo
Transparency is not a choice anymore.
May 18, 2022
by Laura
from inoqo
They will soon face similar challenges. Who will become the Tesla of grocery retail?
June 1, 2022
by Laura
from inoqo
And how they can overcome these challenges.
August 30, 2022
by Laura
from inoqo
At the moment, the carbon footprint is a commonly used metric of climate change impacts and environmental sustainability. When applied to products, it adds up emissions of materials, energy consumption and transportation. Interest in carbon labelling has drastically increased, as companies are rushing to appease increasingly environmentally conscious consumers, who demand transparency regarding their purchases.
September 15, 2022
by Laura
from inoqo
Consumers want it, regulators will enforce it: transparency around your product impact is quickly becoming unavoidable. Almost 69% of shoppers want to know more information on how your product can contribute to a better planet. Meanwhile, governments and institutions are preparing laws that will make disclosing information to consumers about your value chain obligatory.
September 20, 2022
by Laura
from inoqo
Sustainability is becoming a topic that big businesses, grocers among them, cannot ignore. 37% of European consumers deeply care about sustainability irrespective of which generation they belong to. Many consumers are already paying more for sustainable options. What’s more, governments and institutions are introducing laws to reduce emissions. An increasingly popular concept is net zero emissions. But what are they exactly and what do they mean for the grocery sector? This is what we will share with you in this article.
September 27, 2022
by Laura
from inoqo
As the pressure on our climate and the ecosystem grows, we need to be aware of what and how we eat.
Did you know that food production causes up to a third of global greenhouse gases (GHG) and is responsible for two-thirds of water usage, according to the WHO?
If we want a healthy planet, we need to look at our food production and consumption and make sure they are sustainable. This is a win-win opportunity because such a diet is good for our health as well as the planet.
October 5, 2022
by Laura
from inoqo
Following on the heels of Millenials, Generation Z (also Gen Z, the TikTok generation or Zoomers) has come of age and is becoming a very influential generation reshaping markets with their values. As a retailer or F&B company, you can no longer ignore their demands if you want to remain successful.